Born This Way

Music, 1975

Supernatural personal understanding of one’s own biological state 2-3 minutes after birth.

Although the spirit behind the term goes back decades into the nature/nurture debate around homosexuality, the contemporary phrase is associated with the single and album of the same name released by Lady Gaga in 2010, which arch-Queen Elton John declared the “New Gay Anthem”. However, the original gay anthem was actually released in 1975. To which Gaga so insightfully commented, “It’s almost like a sermon. I heard this song, and I just said, ‘Man, does that answer every question.’”. The LA Times made reference to Robert Alan Brookey’s “Reinventing the Male Homosexual: The Rhetoric and Power of the Gay Gene” with its key quote “this belief in a predetermined sexual orientation is most visible in the emerging conservatism in the gay rights movement”.