Sociology (Humanities), 1892
Popular. The process of Hitler-wannabes appealing to unenlightened people who aren’t intellectual™, which you can’t really get away with calling racist because there are too many of them.
Although it’s a concept which has been around forever, the name itself is a moniker adopted by the People’s Party, which attempted to break the Dem/GOP duopoly at the 1892 elections. Generally attributed in contemporary terms to the analysis given in John Allcock’s “Populism: A Brief Biography” in Sociology (1971). It’s also a noticeably French idea. Recently, it’s just wannabe-journalists who need a way to avoid being sued.
- https://oed.com/view/Entry/147930
- https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?&year_start=1950&year_end=2019&content=populism
- https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=populism
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Party_%28United_States%29#Formation
- https://www.notjusthockney.info/allcock-john/
- https://www.jstor.org/stable/42851097