Political Rhetoric (Extremism), 1940s
Method of avoiding bad PR by pandering to vigilante demands, after receiving threats of public mobbing, vilification, and/or of future violence.
Asking a dinner guest not to come isn’t a new phenomenon. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has catalogued over 200 “heckler’s vetoes” from 2000 to 2015, with a noticeable spike in the graph appearing around 2012. Speaker bans have been in place in California against communists since WWII.
- https://oed.com/view/Entry/54635
- https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?&year_start=1950&year_end=2019&content=disinvited
- https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=disinvited
- https://www.thefire.org/research/disinvitation-database/
- https://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2069&context=all_fac